
Looking for something a little more meaningful to say than a simple thank you in your card? We have come up with a few message ideas to thank anyone, at...

August 14, 2019

It’s that time of year again – Valentine’s Day is now around the corner. But don’t panic if you have no idea of what to write in your card (again),...

January 28, 2019

Latest What to say

Retirement Card Messages: What to Write

Is someone you know retiring? When people retire it’s a significant event in their life, and finding something meaningful or funny to write in their retirement card can be challenging....

February 7, 2018

Leaving Card Messages: What to Write

We’ve all been there; when the big card gets passed around the office, it’s time for you use your creativity and write a funny comment. Luckily we’ve pulled together a...

January 31, 2018